To protect users from malicious content by clicking in the email link that leads to any external resource, instead of loading the web page, you can see the warning.
Our system checks links you try to open, based on the list of popular malicious web pages and instead of opening the links shows a warning that the resource that you are trying to visit is not safe. This is necessary in order to draw your attention to the potential risks and allow to estimate how much you really need to see the contents of the opened resource.
The warning may be informational - Are you willing to visit this web address? - this allowing the user to make a decision - to visit a web page or better to avoid it (yellow warning), or may warn of blocking resource - For your protection, access to this web page has been blocked - barring all the way to access it (red warning). You can see red warning if this web site pages may inflict harm to your computer or mobile device and result in damage or theft of your data.
Sometimes it happens that our system blocks pages that have not yet proved safety, for example, completely new web pages. In case our system blocks Your site, contact us -
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