Starting to use the calendar
When you log in to your account as usual, place the mouse cursor on “Calendar” in the top toolbar and click once. The planning calendar offered by will open in a monthly view, which can also be viewed in a weekly or daily view by changing it in the upper right corner of the calendar by placing the mouse cursor on the desired period and clicking on it once with the left mouse button. The calendar can be divided forward and backward by the selected period by clicking the “Forward” or “Back” buttons above the calendar with the mouse button, thus finding the desired date.
Adding new calendars
By default, a calendar called “My calendar” has already been created in the calendar offered by, which can be used as your personal, family, or work calendar. In turn, to separate family and work events, there is an option to add a new calendar. To do this, place the mouse cursor in the upper left corner of the calendar on the menu and click once with the left mouse button. In the opened window, place the mouse cursor on the green button “Create calendar” and click on it once. In the opened window, enter the name and description of the new calendar, select the color of the calendar entries and, placing the mouse cursor on the button “Create” and clicking once, thus creating a new calendar.
Adding new entries/events to the calendar
To add a new entry to the calendar, you can use the green indication “New event” in the upper left corner of the page by placing the mouse cursor on it and clicking once with the left mouse button. In the new window that opens, you can enter data about the planned event, as well as indicate which of the calendars you want to make the entry. The corresponding entry will appear in the calendar in the selected calendar color. The same can be done by placing the mouse cursor on one of the dates, where a + sign will appear, placing the cursor on the + sign and clicking once will open a new window where you can enter data about the planned event.
Inviting other participants to the event
When adding a new event (see the previous tutorial), its name, location, description, time are specified, and you can also add other participants to the “Participants” field, indicating their email addresses. Thus, an invitation to confirm participation in this event/event will be sent to all specified participant email addresses. You will receive an email notification about the participant’s decision for approved or rejected participation.
In order not only to invite participants to the event, but also to use it together, for example, a family calendar, it is possible to share it with family members by sending them usage rights. We place the mouse cursor on the menu in the upper left corner of the calendar and click on it once. All existing calendars will appear in the opened window, respectively, next to the calendar that we want to share with other people, we place the cursor on the “Share” button and click once with the left mouse button. In the opened window, we enter the email address of the person with whom we want to share the respective calendar in the free field, then we select what type of access we want to grant to this person – whether it will be only reading the calendar or full access with the ability for this person to perform all actions with the calendar. We place the cursor on the ball at the relevant access and click once. When this is done, we place the cursor on the “Share” button and click once with the left mouse button. The selected person will receive an invitation to share the calendar at their email address.
Connecting the calendar to other devices (iOS, Android)
To make everyday life even more convenient, you can conveniently take the calendar with you everywhere by installing it on other devices, for example, on a smartphone. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the menu and click once. In the opened window, next to the selected calendar that we want to connect to other devices, place the mouse cursor on the “Connect” button and click once. The opened window contains instructions for installing the calendar in various programs and devices.
iOS example: Settings -> Calendar -> Accounts -> Add Account -> Other -> Add CalDAV Account
->>E-mail, password.
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